Not sure if you're Yankee or Southern? Check out this fun 'test'. I'm definitely southern with 71

44 percent as barely Yankee. Lived most of my life in CT and MA so don't understand this.>>>

I have a work usage test, more extensive than this one, which, with one person who took it, was able to detect not only where he came from (MA) but a childhood influence from his summers in Maine. Pretty impressive.

76% Southern. I had no doubt....

By a cruel twist of fate, the part of Ohio that I grew up in was somehow separated from Kentucky by a bend in the Ohio River.

50% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category...guess I lost some of my southern genes somewhere!

63% (Dixie). A definitive Southern score!

I'm a native California girl but this is actually no suprise for me given I was raised by my southern mom and have many southern ways about me. DH used to tease me because he could tell if I'd been talking to my mom or old boss... guess I use to slip a bit into the drawl as well. smileys/smile.gif
