NRF: I watched a couple of movies the last two nights. Quirky ones. Any others out there?

Pan's Labyrinth; quirky tho a bit dark; All the Thin Man movies...

The Philadelphia Story (Cary G/K Hepburn/J Stewart) not to be missed!
Sunset Blvd (Gloria Swanson/Wm Holden) Glen Close channeled GS for the broadway show
The Jerk (Steve Martin)
Fargo (Wm H Macy)
anything by Mel Brooks

Tampopo is my favorite too, but wanted to buy a copy this month and found it was $38!!

think of all the noodles you could buy with that...

not only John, but Joan and Amanda Peet and Oliver Platt--what's not to like?

Actually, I didn't think I would like it, but it was quite touching and insightful.
