Oh Deb-in-MI --- I just made "The Best Pizza Dough Ever" that you posted....


Well-known member
I formed 2 crusts and intend to bake one. Can I just freeze the other formed crust then thaw and rise later?? Also, I have some of the dough leftover so I put it in a ziploc and into the freezer... hope that's ok. Do I just remove it from the freezer, thaw, then form and bake?

DISASTER!! I put cornmeal on a plastic mat then formed the dough to rise....

You guessed it - couldn't get the dang thing off the plastic for love or money!!! After a lot of squishing around, I finally got it on the hot pizza stone.

Question: you have to preheat the pizza stone for awhile BEFORE putting the pizza on it.... how in the world do you get that soft round pizza onto the stone?!

Otherwise, it was yummy smileys/smile.gif

I am guessing with a pizza peel or a flat cookies sheet with cornmeal

so you can slide it on to the stone. You probably should have used more cornmeal too.

sometimes you can fornm the dough on parchment and just slide the whole thing on the parch>.

ment into the oven. (Dust cornmeal on parchment)

So glad others answered.....

it has been ages since I made it and I honestly don't remember/know the answers. I'm so sorry that I have been worthless when it comes to your questions concerning the dough:(

I always do that--shape on parchment, parchment to peel, whole thing into the oven. Also with bread.

Seems to reduce burning.

As to your other questions regarding freezing the dough, CI had a nice article on just that within >

the last couple of issues. Since I don't get the mag but read my Dad's when I am visiting him, I don't quite remember what it advised. Maybe someone else can help. It was about at what point making the dough was it best to freeze. I think it was after the first rising but I'm not sure. I have a recipe I like but I find that nothing beats the fresh dough.

I always do use parchment and oiled it as well, but it's like trying to transfer a big blob of

ultra soft marshmallow fluff to the pizza stone!

We just did this a few times - oiled parchment, then cut the paper as close to the edge of the crust

as you can, and roll it back under the pizza - the leading edge of the dough drop onto the stone. The heat should make the bit of crust adhere to the stone, then you can roll/slide the rest of the paper out from under the pizza and it can cook directly on the stone.

It takes a bit of practice smileys/wink.gif

Good suggestion.... I briefly thought of that, but have never dealt with a hot pizza stone before smileys/smile.gif

I don't make my pizza dough like that, I form mine in the pan.

I do make the 5 Minute Artisan bread though and it is really soft too. They always say to "scoop" it, but I sort of have to pick it up and plop it in the cornmeal lined hot oval gratin pan that I bake it in, so I know what you mean by it being too soft. I will find my pizza dough recipe and post it for you. I have had really good luck with it.

Assuming your parchment is on the counter and you don't have a pizza peel, put a cookie sheet or

upside-down baking sheet right up against the counter and just slide the parchment onto it. Then slide the dough WITH the parchment onto the pizza stone. So after you first press out and shape your dough, there's no reason to lift or otherwise touch it -- and no marshmallow worries!

we use this recipe too---the one that you keep in the fridge. makes good grilled pizzas too. we

flipped those onto the grill to pre bake a bit. worked great. If it's just too soft, we add a bit more flour for better handling.

I got this nifty new pizza stone hoping to make crisp crust pizza... hence all this darn trouble smileys/smile.gif
