Ohhhhhh Randdddddi- My new KA (that you "forced" me to buy) came in. It's beeeeutiful!

LOL, yeah, yeah... so glad you're happy and love it. do I have to watch out for your DH? '-)))

What color did you get Cyn? I always have wanted the red one

but I have the royal blue one. I am pretty sure that my mother's metal attachements made it here with the move, I seem to recall a sigh of relief when I saw them, but I am almost afraid to look. Congrats on your new "baby"!

Congratulations! My baby is a 'Martha Stewart' green one. I still love

the color.

My best friend is working up to buying one but it's just so hard to part with that cash. smileys/smile.gif

Mine got quite a workout this holiday season! It was awesome.

I also gave in..and bought a KA after seeing the post on it!

I've been eyeing one for awhile...had always used my mom's, but since I moved 1/2 way across the country in May, I figured I needed one for myself. I almost bought the 'classic' one at Kohls when it was $150 for the Black Friday sale.

yesterday, I ordered the metallic chrome one, as there was a limited number of colors that were 'on sale for the lowest price.' Today, I looked and saw the Red one on sale...seeing as I'm indecisive, I canceled my order for the chrome one and got the 'empire red' one instead. Hopefully they don't make any more colors on sale...otherwise i'll be tempted to change my mind again.

Hah! I'll have to ask my contractor DH if any of his clients have done this.

We're about to remodel our own kitchen...perhaps I should take this into consideration!

My "kitchen" is so pathetic that the KitchenAid is the nicest thing in it. Pathetic, huh? smileys/smile.gif

It's circa 1969, and the wood is so old it's chipping. I really need a new kitchen, but I don't want

go to for months without being able to cook. I lived on restaurant food for 2 1/2 weeks straight when I was looking for a house here in Greensboro, and I felt sooo sick. What would I do without a kitchen for several months? And this would definitely take several months - the whole thing needs to be gutted. Not to mention the exorbitant cost. Amanda, can I borrow your husband?

There is a rule for contractors

We are too busy making sure other people have awesome homes that our own homes never get fixed up.

Soooo true. Our last house didn't get remodeled until we had to update it to sell it!

We're not making that mistake with this one. As soon as our old house sells and we get some cash, this one is getting updated right from the start!
