Ok folks...what's your Saturday Six?

Weekend 6...

1) My fig tree is in full production mode BUT we have had SOOOO much rain this season the figs are bursting open before they ripen, but I have gathered up a few and have a double batch of fig jam with orange and cinnamon in the fridge ready for canning.

2) yesterday made 2 fig and raspberry tarts along with a batch of

3)lemongrass coconut sorbet to bring to a friend's for dinner dessert

4) dinner tonight is Spiced Eggplant and Sweet Potato Curry with Spinach from A Year in My Kitchen--it uses lemongrass and I am looking for recipes to use up some of the giant lemongrass plant in my herb garden--and it sounds delicious. I thought I would put a piece of mild white fish over the top of the curry during the last cooking, to sort of steam it. However, Whole Foods did not have any that was "sustainable" today, they were all at various levels of endangered and I wouldn't buy any of them, so we will go meatless!

5) if there are enough hours left I will make the orange polenta cake from the link Gay posted earlier this week and serve it topped with the fig jam and maybe a side of leftover sorbet

Look for the brand name "Safer" Caterpillar Killer. It's great stuff

I'm told if you spray your geraniums with it right before the last full moon before the summer solstice they'll be free from moth larvae all season. I've never been organized enough to try it.

I was thinking the same thing. I have knife skill envy.

Especially after seeing how many jars there are.

Wow, sounds like you are in over-drive. Get your rest, don't want a


The butternut risotto sounds nice. I also had my first taste of black beans that turn green when you cook 'em... are they similar to your purple hull beans?

My Weekend Six

- Barb's 6 sound so exotic, so I bought some ingredients to make the Sweet Potato Curry with steamed fish tomorrow night.

- Picked more tomatoes and since finding the step-by-step directions for canning them whole, will be doing that tomorrow.

- I cooked some last-of-the-season Butter and Sugar corn and frozen them off the cob. Should be a nice side dish in January.

- Can this count? We picked a half-bushel of apples on Friday, half Macintosh, half of them Gala. Let apple cake season begin!

- Was going to go to Oktoberfest this a.m. but instead I decided to stay home and clean the cellar. Plumber coming tomorrow :eek:(

- Excited about getting a new laptop this week... anything I should be sure to get/avoid? I mainly do basic internet use, email, and photo-editing. Would appreciate any advice.

- Bonus #7 - excited about seeing "The Chew" tomorrow afternoon.

Dawn did you try the curry? We had it last night and DH loved it. The weather here is

like a rainforest and has been so for over a week. Temp is in the low 70's so we don't have the air on but it is MISERABLE. So, after cooking the curry over a hot pan I was so hot and uncomfortable that I didn't really enjoy it. I probably should have waited for cooler weather. Hope you are not having the same weather!

wow---we have identical stories---mystery food allergies that send us to the ER. I had tests done

even sent them to the Mayo Clinic, and they came back inconclusive---couldn't pinpoint exact causes. the allergist says I'm just one of the lucky ones that have mystery triggers. Just started happening after I turned 50. My known reactors are raw apples w/peel, raw nectarines again w/peel, raw sugar snap peas---all foods I have eaten my whole life. take care and get the double RX epipens so you can carry one and have one at home or office.

PS, my episodes are "angioedema"

Only one, computerless until Monday, waiting for Geek to remove a very malicious

malware, so I can visit with you again. Hey, it's Monday night, computer's fixed, Hi, everybody!

Oh awful, Ang, so sorry.

I saw the doctor today, they took 12 vials of blood and the earliest the skin food allergy and pollens test canEBe done is November. Trying to relax and not worry. It's hard thinking that healthy food you love can suddenly be the enemy. The doc did say that if one has severe lifelong hayfever there is more of a risk and more cross-reaction allergies. So if one is allergic to beech trees then stone fruits can cause allergies and so on. It's fascinating in a way. That's what might be happening to me. Meantime my epi pen and I are close buddies as is the handfuls of antihistamines I'm taking. I see the doctor again in December, her earliest appointment!!! Really though I am tired of the drama of health stuff this year, I just wanted to get healthy after my shoulder and this is such a bummer.

mine is linked to trees too. I think it's the birch that is linked to the apple and pea, or the

willow, can't remember now---I sneeze a lot when those are leafing out in the spring. I have never been allergic to anything before. so odd.

Awwww shucks - I'm not all that good at it....

I did nick my fingernail (they're acrylic tips) while chopping but was sure to make sure that little chuck didn't get into the mix.

But it was a lot of chopping....
28 cups of tomatoes
8 cups of onions
8 cups of peppers
4 cups of celery...

whew was my hand tired!!!!

I just had a few "nutter butters" and some cheddar and

my tongue is all foamy and tingly feeling again, so I downed more Allegra which is what the doctor advises.

Such a bummer, I don't want to be allergic to peanut butter.

Here's a link to the Mayo Clinic site my doctor mentioned, it shows the cross-reactivity by inhaled allergen.

So funny what we have the same thing. ((Ang))


Not yet... change of plans, but I am making it Wednesday. It's humid here but

not too hot, just sticky. Supposed to get into the 40's soon!

I didn't have your recipe, either, but found a good one at food.com. Did you serve yours over rice? I've had it at our local Wegmans, Indian food bar.

thanks! and Heather, I may be in Oakland for the 11/27 Raiders/Bears game. woohoo. still pondering

the cost of the trip, but DH is Raiders fan and I'm Bears fan and what's the likelihood of them playing together again on a Thanksgiving weekend for easy days off? We haven't taken a honeymoon, so maybe this might be it

we win no matter who wins! I think?!?!? could use a few ideas on doing the area. We think we'll stay at the Waterfront hotel, near the Ferry and easy access to BART or taxi to the stadium. No car rental planned for just 5 days.

A really nice hotel is the Hotel Vitale which is on Mission

right at the Embarcadero, it's really pretty and I like the Americano there.

The Omni on California is really nice but if you need a less expensive place the Clift has good room rates.

Feel free to ping me for other ideas too! I am hoping to visit my parents for T-day but if I'm in town I would love to meet you for coffee!
