Here is my formulating plan. (long and winding wrote)
I want to start a lunch delivery business. It will be from Tues-Fri. I will prep the food the day before starting on Monday morning after breakfast. The men only have cold breakfast and hot dinner everyday. So the kitchen is available until about 4pm.
I am going to do a taste testing with the newspaper asking which items they like the best. I will do it a few times with like items. I have a friend there and it will be advertising and getting a feel for what St. Joe likes. My experience with the teachers has taught me that St. Josephines, have varied tastes. If I told them I was serving a curried chicken-grape salad, some would turn up their noses, but after tasting it, most really like it, they just thought they didn't.
I will have a simple menu with just a few daily items in the beginning.
I will have a hot item like creamy chicken enchiladas, a soup like tortilla chicken soup, a salad like a tuna pasta salad and dessert. This is where the shelter will come in. They will prepare the dessert, like jumbo chocolate chip cookes, brownies, quick breads, whatever they would like. They will all be pre-packaged and sold cold, ready to nuke if needed.
I will donate 5% of my net profit and they will get 100% of their dessert profit. All they have to do is make it and package it, and I will advertise it, sell it and deliver it. That is my loose plan. I am going to go on Monday and meet with them and tell them what I would like to do.
I will put out fliers at the government buildings and larger companies downtown.
I will need to make a webpage for ordering the day before and make a blogpage.
I am looking into packaging options and costs.
I have the health department taken care of so I know what I can and cannot do.
I just have to start narrowing in on the ways and means.
I will probably edit this message, but I am going to go make dinner for the crew and sip on a martini while doing so. My brain is on overload, but I just have this feeling. I think I may have found my niche here. Thanks to all of you for your ideas and support!