Okay is is just me, but texting. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. my stepkids do it all the time

As of today, it is illegal to read or send a text message while driving in CA.

Now...did we just legislate common sense??
Has it really come to that??
But...how many states have laws prohibiting planting trees in order to block a satellite dish?

Brought to you by the State of California, where fruits and nuts may be a frame of mind....

Texting is okay but being a full time student at 44yrs I see more illiterate youth who can't read in

college and it's terrible when they give oral reports they can't read what is written and their behavior in class is worst than high school.

During class they text and text and even during a test then... have the nerve to hate the teacher / professor for failing them. I tell them "what did you really expect, in college you have to EARN your grades, gone is your parents coming to your rescue"

I can write more but what I am trying to convey is that I think that texting is DUMBING down the youth

(just my opinion)

They could have been...

they were mostly texting their kids and friends. I finally said something about it, and they left shortly after that. They usually aren't that bad and mostly use it for keeping in touch when their kids are out, but this particular night my patience wasn't what it usually is, and it annoyed the hell out of me.

I fought it and fought it

We are so isolated out here that we have to have cell phones for safety reasons, that's why we supplied one to SS. His first ones even had no texting allowed. I don't think they make them that way anymore.

Anyhow, I was adamant against texting. I already had pet peeves with email & I.M. dumbing down the way we write, but texting took it to a whole new level. But when my technologically illiterate boss (who only recently started using a computer) began texting me I was forced to give in.

And now even my MOTHER is texting me. There is no place to hide.

as of Jan. 1st Californians can no longer text while DRIVING....!! gee, whatever shall we do....

I have a dinosaur's cell phone---I don't text and don't want to. I don't talk on it out in public.

just have it for emergencies. I just can't stand having the phone ringing all the time, and people talking on cells all over the place---airports and airplanes just before takeoff are the worst!! Why do they think we want to hear their conversations?? It's nuts if you ask me. and I just pray that they never allow cell phones to be active while fying. Can you imagine the noise?

I usually use the cell in a store when Ed gets lost. I call him and yell, "WHERE YOU AT?"

What's that mean: Where you at??

ebonics smileys/smile.gif I use it in stores, too... DH can wander off in a split second... amazing talent
