Okay - T-day disasters? Or cheers?

I should have posted this earlier, but yes, my stepdaughter stopped by

Target to pick up something else after work, and she thought she would check and see if they were in, and sure enough she snagged six of them. She planned on selling two on ebay, but when she heard me talking about a friend of a friend desparately looking for them, she offered them to give to her, which we did. There is some holiday cheer for ya cheezz. smileys/smile.gif

I agree that the texture of the dry brined turley is better than the wet brined one.

We did a dry brine with kosher salt and herbs de provence, and the turkey was sooo moist, without any change to the texture.

Agree with Lisa about the spongy texture in the wet brined turkey. We're converts - no more wet brines ever!

whoops! little finger hit the return key.... the 'kooky' list is my gift recipient list smileys/smile.gif
