Oldest cookbook you have & the most unique recipe included-Inspiringangela suggested this at EPI

Frigidaire Recipes, 1929 - Biscuit Tortoni

Little hardcovered book with color illustrations. Put out by the Frigidaire company to promote their products.

"Frigidaire plays a definite role in the daily routine and management of the modern home. It is an integral part of the equipment that lightens household cares and contributes to the health, happiness and convenience of every member of the family.

Proper refrigeration is today an ever increasing necessity. The rapid growth of population in cities and urban areas has brought dependence upon distant centers of food supply. Meat for example, travels a great distance before it finally reaches the home."

Biscuit Tortoni

1 cup milk
3 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
3 egg whites
1-1/2 cups XX cream
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup macaroons
2 teaspoons vanilla

Make custard of eggs, milk and sugar. Cool. In making the custard, heat sugar and milk, add well beaten egg yolks gradually, pour in top of boiler, and cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from fire, pour into mixing bowl and when partly cooled, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites to which salt has been added. Add ground macaroons with sherry wine or flavor desired. Fold in whipped cream and pour into tray or individual cups. Serve with or without whipped cream. Allow to freeze by Method I for setting "Cold Control" and Method I for freezing desserts. Twelve servings. This can be flavored with three tablespoons sherry wine flavoring, rum extract or vanilla.

The Institute Cookbook by Helen Cramp (1913)

I've read the recipes for entertainment but have never actually made anything from this cookbook. It devotes a whole chapter to Invalid Cookery" and another one to "Fireless Cookery".
