REC: Peanut Brittle. I send boxes of it overseas to friends and in-laws every Chistmas
and it keeps perfectly. Last year I sent a box to Marg's son DJ in Iraq and it went over well. (It's cheap to make, too.)
3 cups (1 pound) roasted salted peanuts (Trader Joe's)
1/2 tsp. baking soda
4-1/2 cups sugar
1-1/2 cups water (I use distilled)
A 2-quart pan with tight fitting cover
A very large oiled marble slab or metal tray, or two oiled jelly roll pans
A wooden spoon and two long-handles metal spoons.
Toss the peanuts with the soda and set aside.
Combine sugar and water and bring to the simmer. Off heat, swirl the pan until syrup is clear. Cover the pan and boil, letting the steam wash down the sides of the pan. Uncover and boil without stirring, watching carefully, until a rich amber color. (When the bubbling becomes slow and quiet you know it's about to caramelize.)
Immediately add the peanuts and stir with the wooden spoon. It will bubble vigorously. As soon as the peanuts are incorporated pour the candy out onto the prepared tray(s). Spread with the wooden spoon as thinly as possible, then as it begins to set try to pull it thinner, using the two spoons like tongs.
Let cool and break into pieces. Store airtight.
From The Way to Cook by Julia Child