Pancake Squares


Pancake Squares

A great time and work saver I use often is pancake squares. After preparing pancake batter (using about 3 cups dry mix or flour); I spread it in a greased 10 X 15" jelly roll pan and bake-only takes about 15 mintues at 375 or so. Then I cut the pancakes into 4" squares and serve. Quicker, easier, less fat than fried pancakes. And they're all ready at once. Sometimes I spread the large cooked pancake with hot apple pie filling, then roll-up and slice like a jelly roll. Delicious that way. One day it occurred to me that the chocolate chip cookie bar theory (we've all made those to save work on occasion, right?) might work with pancakes. Tried it and it's a great solution. While the pancake bakes, you even have time to toss together a fruit salad.
