Here is what I think...the shows on the Food Network and Cooking channel are entertainment shows
A few teach good cooking, proper hygiene, etc. Paula Dean has her dogs roaming around the kitchen, (I love dogs, and yes ours are in the kitchen from time to time, but not when I am cooking)she also wears her large rings while in the kitchen(I was taught not to wear jewelry when cooking, for several reasons) she uses pounds of butter, cream, and other calorie-laden ingredients, and entertains us very well doing it. I have made some of her recipes, by adapting them to use less fat, and they turn out just fine. We are the ones who make the choices in our lives and how we live it, not those on the screen who are paid to entertain us.
Even tiny Giada, Delaurentis who makes delicious Italian foods, uses butter, cream, cheese. I read that she is big on portion control and only eats 1/2 cup of pasta at the most. Sometimes 1/4 cup.
These words came from her and not from a her
cookbook editor.
I know several folks who are diabetic, and they are not overweight, never have been and have always eaten healthy. I live next door to a gentleman who is 86 years old. He has always had a huge garden, grows tons of fruits and has veggies all summer. They eat very healthy. I don't think he has ever had one extra pound on his body.