Well, I won't stop making her food because of this...
I also saw her on the Today Show and though I'm not fond at all about the drug promo, even if some of her kickback is going to charity, she is not responsible for what I or anyone else chooses to eat.
Her recipes are good. They are much like what I grew up on, many I was so glad to find because they were the taste of old family recipes lost.
That being said, it's not like I cook like this everyday. (She said she doesn't either.) I stopped cooking/eating like this every day sometime back in the '70's. Also the jury is really out on fat. First it was horrible, then it was ok again, then it was moderation, then real fats are good for you, and the latest in books for folks with inherited high cholesterol like me says no fats or oils of any kind...so why folks think food and health choices are Paula Deen's fault, I have no idea. Oh and I keep at least 2 lbs of butter on hand too.
I've eaten my way to lower cholesterol numbers while eating lots of fat, sugar, now that's something different, but she's not the queen of sugar.
I'm not her biggest fan, though I do like many of her recipes, she's not the devil either and trying to make smart business decisions around her brand isn't something I'll fault her for. Even if I can only take her in small doses.
Now can someone please pass me some of that cheddar pineapple casserole? (But only on Easter.)