Photos of my "no knead" bread! Success first time, even though I forgot to turn down the temperature

Oh, I'm pitiful aren't I? It's moving up on 2 hours. I have had it in the Micro>>>

throughout all of this cause the AC is on and it certainly has not "more than doubled in size". It has spread out a bit Curious and when I poke it, it springs back. The recipe says it won't spring back when it's ready. I won't through it out yet.

I bet it will be fine. People who had problems with getting it off the towel or

neatly into the pot still had bread they enjoyed. If your pot isn't too large in diameter, I think the bread will rise more in the oven and if it is large, the bread will still be good if a little flatter. Looking forward to hearing about your final results, save me a piece? smileys/smile.gif

It's BEAUTIFUL!!! I let it rise for another 40 minutes and tossed it in>>>

the pot, I used a Pyrex. It did stick a bit to the cloth but I just shook it down and it was pretty much centered. I didn't know it would rise more while cooking so it's pretty nice. Can't wait to taste it! Hubby just took a couple of pictures and I will post them in a bit. Oh Happy Day!I wonder if the spell has been broken. Thanks Curious and Sandy.

Yay!!!!! You've given this bread-challenged baker the courage to try it!

Thanks -you've given me hope!

cheezz, I have the hard-copy NY Times article and the baker's recipe never goes over 450

The pan/lid is preheated in the oven 30 minutes PRIOR to the end of the last 2 hour rising, then the dough is added, the lid put on, it's baked 30 minutes, lid comes off and it's baked another "15-30 minutes" (again, from the hard-copy recipe).

I think the confusion is coming from the video because the baker mentions getting the pan as hot as possible and he says "500". But I don't really think it matters that much. From everything I've read and all the variations of temperatures, it still works.

Thermometer: The Baker never mentions an internal temperature (video or article). I'm just going to use it because it helped with my French bread. Although my crust is crunchy, it didn't "sing, the term used when french bread crackles fresh out of the oven.

I made French bread twice. The first time it didn't sing. The second time I put in a probe and left it bake until internal temperature reached 200 degrees. It sang for 5 minutes that time.

I have a Poldar probe thermometer (thanks forever, Pat!). It's connected by a metal-covered wire to a digital read-out display programmed to ding whenever the probe reaches your temperature. "Instant read" thermometers would also work.

I wouldn't bother buying one just for this though...he seems to have his times down pat.

And one of it cut. It is more dense than I thought it would be. I wanted>>>

a more airy bread and like Marilyn said, it needs more salt. This turned out being a lot of fun even with my bit of drama. I'm sure going to be trying this again. I spent a little time looking at what they are saying and posting pics on some other forums. Pictures throughout the process look just what mine looked like and many are saying the same thing about the denseness.

Orchid, I'm guessing a little more rising time would do the trick, or a warmer rising temperature, .

I'll be trying this out sometime this week.

Cheeze, I use a cheap "Instant read" thermometer for bread. Just give it a poke while it's still

in the oven.

So excited - I just bought a DeLonghi convection toaster oven and want to try this recipe in it..

It's surprisingly roomy inside, you can do a pretty large chicken and a 12 in pizza! Love that is is convection as well as regular banking (and it has a dehydrate function!)

Think I'll try the convection mode for this bread for extra crispiness! This sounds like such a great recipe, particularly for me since kneading is a little too hard on the wrists right now.

I have a 4 quart le Crueset pot, do you think that would work for this recipe? it's the "tomato" pot - just love it...
