Pimento Mac and Cheese...I received the magazine yesterday and this is a must make. Does anyone

It's nice for pasta salad or if the pasta is just tossed with oil or butter. With a sauce,

the effect is lost, because the color does wash out a bit.

I only use colored pasta for pasta salads. I did have this idea once about

serving red spaghetti with a tomato basil sauce.

One word: Don't!

It looked like something ha died on the plate. A big 10 on the yuck-scale.

Curious - I have seen and purchased this pasta several places

I can get it at Harris Teeter, Fresh Market and World Market - typically World Market (or Cost Plus World Market) is the cheapest. Just wish one was close to me and not on the other side of town - but that might be a good thing.

I don't have two of the above, but I did check at Fresh Market. The link Gay gave shows

Barilla, but the site was in French (I think), so don't know it's available here. Guess I'll go google. Publix will sometimes special order stuff if they can get it. For now, I'm using the medium shells.

LOL, I find that having TJ and Whole Foods and Wm Sonoma thousands of miles away can be a good thing
