Please HELP! NFR?--Bug problem....

If you use vinegar in a jar you can add a drop of dish soap to it. The dish soap

makes the water "softer" so that the flies drown faster. (Some of the small bugs can "walk" on water but with soap in it, they won't be able to do so.)

As for the indoor plants, I was told by a friend to add a small layer of fine sand on top of the soil. Apparently these little bugs lay their eggs in the top soil. The eggs cannot live in sand so they will eventually die.

I used regular cat sand and it worked fine.

Good luck!

We had the same problem, what we did was put little petrie type dishes out and filled them with

soapy water AND in a spray bottle we used soapy water and misted them and it got rid of our problem. Also for other bugs around the outside and you don't want them inside the best thing you can do (AND this works for termites especially plus spiders, roaches and other crawling bugs) PLANT BASIL PLANTS AROUND YOUR HOME, BASIL PLANTS ARE A NATURAL REPELANT TO THESE CREATURES AND OUR BUG MAN TOLD US TO DO IT... WE DID (8 TO 12 PLANTS) AND IT WORKS!!!!!!!

good grief, that's a huge mess. you must have a very clean car, with washing it all the time.

It's been a fun spring in FL...record lovebugs, smoke, ash, drought, and an extremely active

hurricane season predicted. Anyone want to buy a house?

A bit of WINE left in the bottle seems to attract them as well. And they can't get out of the..

narrow neck.BTW, nuking them does NOT work. The buggers will still be here after WW-III
