This is the one that got me really angry. 80 percent of the world's supply of maple syrup comes from
the province of Quebec, as I understand. There's still New Brunswick, Vermont, Ontario, etc. to contribute. All of which are very close to, or, where I live. So in the month of June, the maple syrup that I buy jumped from $8 to $11, then to $13, 2 months later. I cannot condone such a jump as the only real commodity that skyrocketed at that time was gasoline and I live right next door to the biggest supply of the product. An increase of 60% is unconscionable.
I think that grocers, suppliers, distributors, whatever, are gouging us in the name of economic upheaval.
And, by the way, the same bottle dropped in price 2 months ago, to $12.
Ticks me off.