Please share your favorite recipes using beef roasts - our Ralphs had Buy 1/Get 1

I do have a grinder, and I can't believe it didn't cross my radar. I'll have to go pick up

a couple more roasts and grind some up!

How do you use cross rib roasts? Do you use them in the same recipes for chuck?

I always buy chuck roasts for pot roasts and stews, but never buy cross rib roasts.

Sometimes the cross ribs are super cheap, but for some reason, I thought they were drier, and didn't get as soft as the chuck roast.

Sandi, I've had excellent result with the cross ribs by braising them in a crockpot -

I sear them in a pan with some olive oil, garlic and onion, add water or broth to deglaze the pan, and put the whole thing in the crockpot, along with broth to cover.
