Poached egg conumdrum...

Make sure you use SaranWrap brand plastic wrap. Other brands melt (yes, I've done it)

and the author of Modernist Cuisine says they contain chemicals that leach into the food.

I tried the microwave version today. It works!

I started with hot soup broth, cracked an egg into the bowl and microwaved uncovered for 2 minutes. The white didn't cook as much as I like so I threw it back in for another minute or so. Perfect. I think next time I'll try Cyalexa's tip about covering the bowl.

I'm home sick today and used ramen broth, poached the egg into it. Added cilantro, shredded chicken, and a hit of fish sauce. So good! And just about all the energy I could muster for cooking today. Thanks Cyalexa!

Me too! Me too! Me too!

I am so pleased with it, thanks Cindy, and thanks (you know who you are...) who sent me a similar approach by email

worked very well, I had to do it for 2 minutes instead of 90 seconds, but probably my microwave needs Viagra.

Oh, well - THANK YOU!!!!!

hope you are feeling better

When I followed the technique in the link exactly I found the yolks would be overcooked by the time the whites were done. I like very loose yolks but firmish whites. I think getting the water hot first (broth is a great idea, I'll try it) helps the whites cook faster.
