Quasi-food related: I need ideas for library volunteer luncheon.


Theme: Our Volunteers are Treasures

Colors: Gold & Silver

I do the desserts. Right now I'm thinking of a half-sheet cake with a small trunk overflowing with gold coins.

But I also want to make something with each volunteer's name on it. Last year I made chocolate lollipops and hand-wrote their names on it with white chocolate.

I was thinking of mini-cupcakes with a lollipop stick and their name printed on a cutout, but would really need to find a printable template for that. Anyone have any ideas??

Luncheon is the same old, same old. I can't get them to change the menu to save my withered soul:

sliced ham, buns, cheese, potato salad.

60 volunteers, nary a one without grey/white hair. Only one has gluten issues, so I'm making her chocolate something.

Also, ideas for short games for 60 folks to play while sitting at tables?

For one game, I'm going to create an anagram list of library words and famous writers. That will be a timed game. Any suggestions there?

I'd like two more games, running no more than 10 minutes each.

Also need ideas for prizes. Since I'll be buying them, they can't be that expensive (ie: no I-Pads)

That might be a tad difficult to do with some names. Think European ethnic names...

Last year I used a 3" oval candy mold and BARELY fit some of their names on. Luckily I could scrap off the white chocolate and rewrite them after getting to the end of the chocolate and still having a few letters to write. Mrs. Irenova Wasilaskovich was a challenge.

That's why I was thinking of "printing" their names on a perforated template and adding that to a baked or candy item.

OH, I could make candy coins and add the names with the paper template!

You are talking to a European Ethnic name! : ) But, luckily only 5 letters. What about the

chocolate covered oreos instead of coins. I recall a post w/ the plastic thingy that you add your own chocolate and throw in an oreo. I think it was from Dawn or Cyn?

For a game: What about... How much do we know about the Library.

This is just rambling thoughts....BUT thinking of questions on a piece of paper for each person to fill out.

- How many books do we have?
- What is the book that has the longest waiting list?
- What are the titles of the first "A" and last "Z" books?
- How many Libaries in the US?
- If I wrote "X" (think library shelf), where would that be?
- How old is our library?

You get the idea....

Besides a cake, you could get gold and silver goodie bags, pop in a few cookies or goodies

And add a tag with their name for each place setting.

Still thinking through potential questions...

How many volunteer hours are put in during the year?
What is Mar's favorite book?
What is the busiest day of the week at the Library?
What is the most commonly asked question at the reference desk?
How many computers does our library have?
How many elevators?
Which book has the most pages?

Add some silly ones....

Re: Prizes: My Mom volunteers at the Library and WON!

They had a random picking of a name out of a hat. She was thrilled! She rec'd a gift certificate for a local ice cream shop. She was thrilled! It was a place that she was excited to try, and honestly my M&D never rationalize / justify the expense of going out for ice cream / frozen yogurt compared to buying it at the supermarket. SO, she was happy....

Guess I am suggesting; gift certificates for coffee / ice cream / etc are appreciated. Not alot of $$, but something they would otherwise not purchase.

Do books on President Obama go under non-fiction, fiction, sci-fi or comedy? {just kidding...mostly}
