Curious, use all-purpose unbleached, and try for the consistency of a freshly opened can of Play-Doh
Plain flour is easier to work with, I think, so better to start with it. Be sure to let the dough rest an hour after you make it, and even more important, hang the sheets to dry a bit before running them through the noodle cutter. If the sheet is still sticky when you cut it into noodles you'll only get a tangled mess of stuck-together noodles.
I use semolina for plain pasta, which I buy in bulk at Whole Foods. It makes a sturdier pasta with a nutty taste, but your AP flour will be delicious too. I mix semolina and AP flour 1/2 and 1/2 to make green pasta.
I love my KA rollers. I had to use a manual Atlas for my cooking class and I forgot how clumsy they are.
Plain flour is easier to work with, I think, so better to start with it. Be sure to let the dough rest an hour after you make it, and even more important, hang the sheets to dry a bit before running them through the noodle cutter. If the sheet is still sticky when you cut it into noodles you'll only get a tangled mess of stuck-together noodles.
I use semolina for plain pasta, which I buy in bulk at Whole Foods. It makes a sturdier pasta with a nutty taste, but your AP flour will be delicious too. I mix semolina and AP flour 1/2 and 1/2 to make green pasta.
I love my KA rollers. I had to use a manual Atlas for my cooking class and I forgot how clumsy they are.