Question...can I freeze roasted brussels sprouts?


Well-known member
I have a huge bowlful that I just removed from the stalks and I need to either blanch or roast them, as they have already been subjected to very cold temps in the garden.

My guess is that they would lose their "roasted-ness" after freezing. If it were me I would blanch

and freeze, and then roast or saute at a very high temperature after defrosting them.

I roasted some to eat tomorrow

and blanched the rest to freeze. I'll roast them when we are going to eat them.

I think they will keep for a while in a bag in the fridge.As an

FYI, I have kept them on the stalk in the fridge for up to a month, taking off only what I wanted to use. I was pretty amazed--first time seeing the stalk for sale several years ago.

Best way to buy them I have found, they sure keep well. However, having that big stalk

in the fridge can be inconvenient at times. Especially when little bits of leaves and stuff start to flake off.

I use a serrated knife and cut the stalk into thirds. Wrap in a plastic bag and they keep well >>

for over a month !

But was the stalk frozen?

These were cut from the garden using a hacksaw...the stalks were close to 3" in diameter, not including the sprouts.

I cut them all off the stalks, roasted 1/3 and blanched the rest and froze them.

We will be eating the roasted ones tonight and I will report back on how they were.

We ate the roasted sprouts last night and they were wonderful!

What I didn't roast, I blanched and froze for use later.

I will try Joe's suggestion of giving them a quick saute in a very hot pan after defrosting.

That seems odd...were they the outer leaves that are usually loose and one pulls off anyway

or were they the smaller leaves from further inside the Brussels Sprout
