RECIPE: REC: Zucchini Souffle from Richard Olney. The zucchini season has started--I love this recipe

I love the Time-Life FotW books too!

I came late to the party and discovered my first one (Austrian Empire, who would have thought???) from the library and I absolutely fell in love with it. I've been working on assembling a complete collection now for 25 years. Some day...

Is that the Dried Beans and Grains book page 98? If so, I salute you for making

changes for more available ingredients. Goose...really?

I used duck legs, of course. And after making it a couple times and then having it in France,

made with pork, I switched from lamb shoulder to pork shoulder. Otherwise I follow it pretty closely.

I don't own the books--I copied this recipe from a friend's. But now I am inspired to buy the set

if I can find it.

I think I cooked from Olney's before I used Mastering..the recipes (more)

tend to be simpler in execution in Olney's.A little more accesible for a beginning cook, then on to the Mastering (for all you ever wanted to know (and more) about French techniques

So that will teach me. After I said that about goose, I walked by a frozen food case in

an HEB today and there was a fat, frozen goose right in front of me. I'd never seen one before.
