Received Bon Appetit for November and I am so disappointed. I always look forward

Bon Appetit November 07

I am going through my Nov 07 and it looks ok, but I haven't really dug deep into it. We'll see how it fares.

Bon Appetit has a new design director and is relaunching early next year with an all new look. Hopefully it will breath new life into the otherwise staid publication...


Hey Joe and Traca, thanks! And yep, it's me smileys/smile.gif

Celebrity sighting, indeed! Hey Matt, Joe lives in your area...and he's

one hell of a great cook (besides being a big fan of your work...). Do I have to come to LA to make introductions? smileys/smile.gif

Hey Matt, welcome...loved your ode to the Hot Chicken Sandwich. :eek:)

(from a longtime Quebec resident)
