Recent Eats


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Okra battered with egg wash and coated in mixture of flour and corn meal and fried. Corn eaten one hour out of the garden and blanched 3 minutes. Peaches taken from the trees in the morning and eaten fresh. Some cut up and made into ice cream and still more left to figure out what to do with.
Ah yes. Okra just roasted in a hot pan with a little oil. Dipped in a sriracha aoli.
Tomato sandwiches on toasted grainy wheat bread with mayo, a quarter of a ripe avocado smashed into the bread,, crisp bacon and a layer of 4 slices of very thin Cherokee purple tomatoes.
Green tomato slices dipped in egg and then a cornmeal/flour mix. Fried 3-4 minutes on a side. Eat with a sriracha aoli.
For globe eggplant, make a mixture of mayo, a little lime juice and some crumbled feta cheese. Coat the eggplant and then coat in panko crumbs. Bake in 350* oven for 10 minutes (use parchment paper), turn and bake another 10 minutes.
Top the eggplant slice with a good thick slice of tomato, bacon and a slice of good cheese (cheddar or Swiss). Put under broiler to melt cheese.
Earnie, I avoided okra for DECADES because the most common adjective used for them was "slimy."
But then we had an appetizer at Epcot and I actually begged the waiter to tell me what "these crunchy green things are?"
Ya, you guessed it: okra.

Now I make it like they did...fried quickly without a coating. I read the trick is not to slice them until just before frying to avoid the slime factor.

Working separately, I saute bacon until crispy, then pour off the grease, crumble and move the bacon to the side. Saute diced onions in a bit of the bacon fat. Saute diced fresh tomatoes in a bit of bacon fat. Saute rings of okra in a bit of bacon fat. Saute fresh corn kernels in a bit of butter because too much bacon fat is bad for you. This ends my public service health announcement.

Spread warm coarse grits on a platter and top with veggies and bacon. In the end, it's truly a summer dish--picked right from the garden to revel in summer's fresh flavors. Well, that and bacon.

My favorite method of serving is to huddle in the kitchen and keep it all for myself.
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marilyn if you have a Fresh Market in Asheville look for their dry roasted okra for an indescribable snack.
A friend and I are having a corn party on Saturday. We will pick up corn from the farmers market that morning, go home and par boil it and friends will come over with sides and eat.
Thanks everyone. Every thing sounded wonderful and that's what Summer is all about.
Really get some and pan roast it--just put a little oil in your pan, heat it up and put in the okra whole and shake until it is beginning to lose it's shape and the skin is looking a little "translucent". Serve it as an appy with some mayo with sriracha sauce. It is not slimy at all.
Also use small okra it htat is what your vendor has. However now there are long skinny okra that are also tender and good.