Recipes to check out from cookbook: "Where Flavor Was Born"

Hi Curious - It's been awhile since I shopped at Whole Foods, since I have a great health food

market very close by called EarthFare, but I used to go to Whole Foods a lot when I lived in FL. I rarely buy anything at the Fresh Market, except baking stuff, such as Droste cocoa powder, Ghirardelli baking bars, etc., since they have the best prices in my area. But many of their other products are on the expensive side.

Whole Foods and Fresh Market are totally different types of stores. The Fresh Market doesn't have nearly as many specialty foods as Whole Foods, and overall, I think it's overrated. For example, their cheese section is wanting, whereas, Whole Foods' is excellent. I also had a bad experience buying fish at Fresh Market, whereas, I used to buy fish often at the Whole Foods in FL, and it was always fresh. I know a lot of people like Fresh Market, but I find it more hype than substance. As far as prices are concerned, it's definitely on the pricey side, but I don't know how it compares to Whole Foods. Overall, there are more choices and variety at Whole Foods, including produce, bakery products, etc., and I find their products far superior. I bought a baguette once at the Fresh Market, and it was the worst I'd ever tasted. (Can you tell I'm not a fan of Fresh Market)? smileys/smile.gif Also, there are very few organic products there, as opposed to Whole Foods, which has lots.
