Recommendations for websites/catalogs to buy "real" tea (m)


Well-known member
I seem to remember a thread "back in the old days" but don't remember if it was Gail's or another site I frequent. Either way I couldn't find it - so - I'm looking for recommendations on sites/catalogs to buy "real" tea - the loose type - if they also happen to sell it in bags that's fine - but I'm a loose kind of person (hmmm - shouldn't state it that way).

The two sites/catalogs I've bought from are (in Canada)



I really like this company ...

Called Coffee-AM

I have bought both coffee and loose teas. They sell in bulk, also and have great customer service.

You can buy the little paper holders and sticks from them, too, if you like them, instead of a tea ball, etc.

My new passion NEW WORLD TEA!!

I am so glad you asked this question. I was at a presentation recently and this local web based company, New World Tea, was ding the presentation. Ann Arbor, MI based. They were fabulous and I logged on after I retunred home and just received my first shipment yesterday - amazing teas and beautifully packaged in great tins.

My new love is Roobios tea and I bought a few of their varieties. I highly recommend their tea and their business!


Hi Tess, we are strictly tea drinkers in our house and love Harney & Sons tea (more)

We mostly use loose tea, as well. They have a great shop in Eastern NY (about 40 minutes from me), but their website is The company is family owned and they blend fabulous teas.

My favorite "real" tea place is now in Chatham on Cape Cod.>>>

where they have a lovely shop. It's Plymouth Tea Lots of information about tea and many varieties as well as pots, cups strainers, etc. Does a great internet business too.

I have used Harneys but had some unfortunate experiences and would not use them again.
PS I'm trying the link thing so hope it works
