SallyBR - So sorry to hear of your sister-in-law's passing

Thank you... we arrived back yesterday (more)

bringing my sister in law's dog with us, on a long trip back, took us 29 hours driving time

the dog is adjusting fine with our two pups, so it's a huge relief

I should get a blog post about it tomorrow....

one of the most stressful weeks we've had, but things will get easier each day

As an animal lover,

we have have three dogs and a cat, this is what happens when your step daughter is head of the animal shelter here in St. Joe. She is trying to make it a no kill shelter. Thank you for adopting, Sally.
You have no idea how many animals end up at the shelter after people pass.

Blog post of the new trio is published....

... there is a little video of their first encounter together

we are relieved that it's all going well, with a few snapping issues and growling and displeasure from Oscar, but he will adjust. In fact he is acting with Bogey exactly like he does with Buck, we just never noticed too much, but with a huge dog like Bogey it becomes obvious... Oscar is a lot more vocal smileys/wink.gif
