Saturday 6...hurrah, I'm on top of it......

So sorry you are going through a difficult time, ((Heather))

Remember to protect yourself and take deep breaths. Your friends here are counting on you!

Sounds like she pulled off a nice menu despite some challenging logistics. I

applaud people who can do that to achieve their goals.

Hey Joanie, did you say you've thought about teaching some cooking classes yourself? I think you should. Maybe even some Indian classes, if you think it wouldn't be too competitive to what's currently being offered there in your area.

Butter chicken is one of my all-time faves...oh yum! Now I'm craving an Indian meal. Thanks for reporting back to us Joanie.


Stand on the bloody persons toes...damnit, some people think they are so above the law. Hang in there and hugs.

Heather, I'm free part of the day today and can come take you out for coffee, if you

just want to get away, or need to chat. Will send you a PM. Hang in there, and know we're here for you and sending good vibes your way.

Heather, you are strong and willo get through it. Know that you have many

friends, that are there/here for you. That should help - stress like that is an awful thing.

Sunday Six

I am getting ready to go to the store to buy food for the game today.

My day started out nicely because my sister-in-law called and told me what a nice dinner I made for them last night and complimented me on my writing (I am writing a monthly recipe column for a magazine our newspaper publishes). Not one other person in my family even asks about it.

The sun is out, yay! This really should be number 1.

My house is nice and clean so I can just cook today.

The snow is almost all melted.

I had leftover Chinese food, that I made, for breakfast. Now if I could only figure out a recipe for garlic chili chicken, I would be so happy. It doesn't take much sometimes.

My Weekend Six

1) Joanies post made me long for a cooking class. I'd love to learn more about vegetarian cooking.

2) I made a wonderful soup today, called Five-Spice Beet Soup (Recipe from Bon Appetit)
(I just posted the recipe here). The taste was great but the color really did it. The colour out of this world.

3) I walked the dogs for an hour. I try to walk between 12.000 and 15.000 steps a day.

4) I had to work for a couple of hours. I hardly ever work on weekends anymore, so it was okay.

5) I lost 4 pounds this week. I walk a lot and eat a lot of soup. Luckily, I like both.

6) DH has agreed to plan a night out for us on Valentines Day (- or rather, the following Saturday since we're both busy on the actual day). I am so excited, because he has never planned a night out for just the two of us before. smileys/smile.gif

Weekend Six

* Had to drive 1.5 hours to pick up husband from his golf trip (he bailed because of extreme back probs) wish he thought of that Before going all the way to Monterey...
* Went to Gals Getaway to SF anyway
* had late lunch/dinner at cool restaurant near our hotel, dessert there later after the theater
* Went to see Beach Blanket Babylon for the fourth time (last time was prob 20 years ago) timely and hilarious still. Sat in very front row (not the best decision)
* Played cards deep into the night
* Woken up at 2-3 am by huge bar fight right under our window involving 30 people and two squad cars, never got back to sleep
Bonus Seventh:
Had lunch and walked around Castro this morning


I am sending you all the calm and positive I can. You are smart and strong and you will deal with this. Hang in there sweety!

Interesting cooking day.

I tripped over a tv tray stand and went flying across the whole length of the room. Luckily there was a computer chair and filing cabinet so I was able to keep from falling on the ground, but it really upset me, and I wasn't hurt at all. I am still sort of uneasy even today. But what I wanted to share was how my food turned out. Not very good. I made Mark/Denver's jambalaya, which I have made several times before and it was excellent, but not this time. It wasn't horrible just not very good. I followed the recipe as per usual and blah. I am thinking that my frame of mind had something to do with it. Sort of reminds me of that scene in "Like Water For Chocolate" when everyone gets sick. No love in the food.
My stepdaughter's gumbo was excellent and definitely the highlight of the meal. I will post it when I get it from her.

Oh Dawn, How scary. Glad you were not hurt. I am sure the food was very good, you were just not in

a food mood after the near miss. It must have been very frightening.


Thanks Barb, but the jambalaya really wasn't very good.

My son-in-law told We believe in honesty about food around here. He is from New Orleans said it wasn't bad, it just wasn't right. I have a ton of it sitting in the fridge right now and I can't even look at it.
