Getting back in the swing of things...
1. Thawed and warmed up pain au chocolat from Maison Kayser for me and my jetlagged better half for breakfast this morning.
2. Made a quick bolognese sauce for lunch with cavatappi (maybe my favorite pasta).
3. When I met a friend at the Hungarian Pastry Shop last weekend (I know, cheating), she fed her 8-month-old tiramisu. I teased her, "Man, that's one Manhattan baby! What's next, caviar?" My own kid looked unimpressed by the stewed apples I'd brought for her.
4. Soaking beans for soup tomorrow. I have two smoked ham hocks--do I just throw one in when I start sauteeing onion and garlic tomorrow? Or do I throw it in with the beans? I just added chopped ham at the end, before...
5. Husband returned from freakishly long (sixteen days) business trip to a few exotic locations with this many exotic foods: zero. smileys/frown.gif (But he did bring back Kinder Surprise eggs, so that counts for something.)
6. Passed the Thanksgiving baton to my brother, this year. The kitchen in our new place is about six feet by fifteen feet long. Despite being able to seat only three or four people, it does have one benefit--you can sit at the kitchen table and cook. smileys/wink.gif
1. Thawed and warmed up pain au chocolat from Maison Kayser for me and my jetlagged better half for breakfast this morning.
2. Made a quick bolognese sauce for lunch with cavatappi (maybe my favorite pasta).
3. When I met a friend at the Hungarian Pastry Shop last weekend (I know, cheating), she fed her 8-month-old tiramisu. I teased her, "Man, that's one Manhattan baby! What's next, caviar?" My own kid looked unimpressed by the stewed apples I'd brought for her.
4. Soaking beans for soup tomorrow. I have two smoked ham hocks--do I just throw one in when I start sauteeing onion and garlic tomorrow? Or do I throw it in with the beans? I just added chopped ham at the end, before...
5. Husband returned from freakishly long (sixteen days) business trip to a few exotic locations with this many exotic foods: zero. smileys/frown.gif (But he did bring back Kinder Surprise eggs, so that counts for something.)
6. Passed the Thanksgiving baton to my brother, this year. The kitchen in our new place is about six feet by fifteen feet long. Despite being able to seat only three or four people, it does have one benefit--you can sit at the kitchen table and cook. smileys/wink.gif