So cookies aside, what does everyone make for their holiday meal dessert?

Charlie, it was mighty fine all by itself!

I made 2, one without the ground nuts, sue to an uncertain allergic reaction my SIL had a few weeks back. I just used a bit more plain bread crumbs.

Both came out very well.

How was the Forever Lamb?

This year, strawberry pie w/TONS of whipped cream. I was at the farmer's market and couldn't resist

the Cranberry Curd Tart (or as one sis misread, Turd Cart) never made it to the table...

It was a backup anyway and we had WAY too many desserts! So it will make its appearance on New Year's Eve. I'll report back if it was "eatable/repeatable"

I did use Dorie's pastry recipe...

I dithered a while, trying to decide if what she had given was a single or double recipe (can you tell that I don't make much pie dough?)

Since I was making 2 galettes, I made to batches of the dough. It was not to hard to roll out and fit into the tart pans (I did that for easier transport).
