As a Master Food Preserver, I must tell you that you are too late to boiling water bath . . .
your jars of product as they are now.
Boiling water(BW) bath processing should be done IMMEDIATELY after loading your hot, sanitized jars (you boiled the jars in water and kept them hot till you needed to fill them).
What you did is called "open kettle" canning and is no longer recommended for any type of canned food product. Your jars may have pulled a seal, but to be completely safe, you should have BW bath processed them for at least 10 minutes.
I recommend that you store your jars in the fridge for safety's sake OR you can dump the product back into a pot and re-heat it to a brief, re-pack into clean, sanitized jars, apply NEW, hot lids and then boiling water process them for 10 minutes, if you are at sea level and the product are jams or jellies.
The open kettle method will put a seal, but a weaker seal than BW bath processing. This seal may break if the jars are stored somewhere too hot, or somewhere the temperature fluctuates too much. BW bath processing will give a hard, tight seal and will last probably till the lid rusts out.
I know, I know lots of people have been doing this for a long time, especially with jams and jellies and have never gotten sick, but my advice above is current with USDA Guidelines. And really, do you want to take a chance?
AND, you don't need a kettle called a "canning kettle (or pot)", you just need a pot with a rack in the bottom that will contain the jars and enough water to cover the jars by at least two inches, with "water slop" room to boil hard. And if you don't have a rack you can use a clean dishtowel in the bottom of the pot. It is not hard, you can do it!