So ironic - just as I was looking over a recipe for the 1st course for Fri. nite dinner,

Dinner sounds terrific! Question. What was it about your daughter's that makes it a

more safe place? Location? Or...I've been watching these home buying shows and one of them was in Israel. 2 of the 3 properties they looked at had bomb blast doors and other security features. I can't remember what else, but I'm curious to learn more. Can you elaborate?

Yes, newer buildings are required to have a "safe room" which looks like a normal room - at my

daughters it is the 3 yr. old's. It has a regular door and then a heavy steel door which is always open except for when in use as a shelter. It has a window which has an outer glass and a heavy metal piece which can come down and then another glass.
Newer buildings also require shelters in the basement of the building. Or if they are very tall buildings, as my daughters, the hall ways are shelters.
I live in a very old building - about 60 years- so don't have any of this. I have formed a safe place in one hall. the rule is no outer walls.
It is looking better today and again thanks for all the concern

How terrifying, Elaine.

It said on the news here that it was the first time the sirens had been heard for 20 years. Heart-stopping. We are all hoping for your safety.
