So what are we all having for Thanksgiving?

We have cancelled plans since daughter's latest date for the baby ...

is NOv.22. If she lasts that long (they will
speed it up for her then since she is high risk)
it would be too close. So we have put Thanksgiving on hold till she is home and all is well and we can really give thanks!!
Of course if she is earlier (like tomorrow)
we would probably be able to make it!!

Happy holiday everyone

You are all making my mouth water! This morning, DH said "Let;'s go out for Thanksgiving dinner

this year, so you don't spend all day in the kitchen, since there's just the two of us." I smiled and said "Oh honey, I think that's a wonderful idea."

HOWEVER. I'll miss the left dressing, the turkey carcass gumbo, and the pleasure of making this meal. NPR had an interview with Thomas Keller, owner and chef at The French Laundry yesterday, and he said something that touched me deeply. He said "at the end of the day cooking is about nurturing. It's about nurturing your family. It's about giving somebody something that not only nourishes their body, of course, but also nourishes their spirit". Could there be a more profound explanation of why we all love to cook?

Here's a link to his interview.

OMG, Thanks, Ang for this wonderful story, We are preparing to visit DH's baby sister, who is

going into Hospice next week, and this story helped me deal with this tragic situation. I am so grateful for you, and all my wonderful friends here at our site. We share food, but we also share feelings.
