Someone talk me out of (or into) some bargains I saw at a

Hardly any snow here - we were between the storms - Buffalo and Pulaski got hit hard though! Not

Syracuse/ Yes, am looking forward to the wafflemaker. Not sure about the pasta roller yet!! Have a good Saturday - really shouuld buy a small snow blower soon... it's coming! And we're not getting a service this year.

Go for it, especially if the pasta roller is an Atlas. I had a bad experience witht the first one I

bought. It was in an Atlas box, but inside the box was a card wishing a young couple all the best. So I realized it had been returned--no biggie. The problem was it never worked! The clamp never held and the dial with the settings kept popping out while I was rolling.

I told my friend who had recommended it that it was a lemon and she came over to try it. She agreed it was badly made and then noticed it wasn't even an Atlas. It was a cheap lighter-weight imitation.

It seems the clever newlyweds had received two pasta rollers and decided to return the cheaper one, but in the more expensive Atlas box.

My friend had recently married and she had a few tricks of her own. She took my pasta maker away and came by a few days later with a new Atlas, saying, "Don't ask." I still have it.

Still, $2.99 is worth the risk.

Noodles and lasagna...wouldn't trade a bit! Not at all hard once you get the feel...

but regardless of what the recipe says...let the dough rest. It's crucial. Just wrap it so it doesn't dry out. I have an Atlas that's wonderful too.

Hi Joe - yes, it is an Atlas, says so on the box and also the machine. However, no crank!

Do they make replacement cranks for this type of thing? Do you think it'd be just a universal crank I could get at Home Depot or something?! It was all wrapped up nice and secure in the box, so I just assumed all the pieces were in there. Still a good purchase though.

I can see it now, though... $2.99 for the pasta maker, $8.99 for the crank!

Not Home Depot, but check out Gourmet Depot dot com....

I think that's the name. I always type in the name of the company they bought several years ago:

A little tip I got not too long ago....

there is no need to hang the pasta to dry. A friend of mine took a class at Napa Valley a few months ago, and the instructor showed them how to make small bundles of the pasta after cutting

if you flour it enough, it won't stick - also, you cannot make a huge bundle, but each portion of pasta you cut through the rollers, can be made into a small mount and wait for the rest to be ready over parchment paper.

works like a charm! Now I don't need to take a deep breath before making fetuccine at home smileys/smile.gif

It's so easy this way!
