Somewhat FRC. Taking on a pretty radical (for me) shift in eating habits due to my diabetes.

Go for it Michael. Sometimes our inner instincts/knowledge are spot-on. Just be

sure to keep yourself periodically monitored as a precaution.

Wishing you all the best of luck!

I'm getting all my ducks in a row.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I'm making sure I have access to diabetes testing supplies and I'm going to keep a food log.

With so much at stake, I can't be lazy.

Thanks, Sandy.


Looks like you have all your BUFFALOS lined up! Ahem!! Hey, just think of all the

meat you'll get without feather pluckin'!!

I trust your determination

Michael, I had not heard of using low carb to reduce or eliminate diabetes. I had read that Dr. Fuhrman (Eat To Live) and Dr. Esselstyn (Engine 2), both claim that a vegan diet will reverse diabetes. Whatever you do, I believe that diet and exercise will be the answer for you and trust that you have the determination to make it happen.

Hopefully you can be diet controlled! Good luck!!

DH had similiar circumstances, was on diabetic medication (glucophage) AC as high as 6, and is now completely med free, diet controlled.

Low carb, slow carb, and no sugar whatsoever. Kinda stinks as a diet, but it's worth not being on the meds for sure.

Hope your journey goes well!! Wishing you all the best!

Michael - I am there with you. Maybe we can help each other with this journey

A coworker who is still very heavy went straight onto insulin and in just over two years she managed to come completely off any meds. And she seems to eat perfectly normal now.

I will say this, I became overwhelmed when I found out and researched the internet which just confused me because there are so many conflicting reports and studies on which diets work the best. It was two weeks before I met with the dietitian and got my testing meter. Then I went overboard monitoring and recording and drove myself crazy and got to a point I wasn't eating 'enough'. So I had to stop completely and just step back and I've lost about 5 pounds in just a couple of weeks doing that and nothing more.

I've cut the sodas completely. I allowed myself a low fat mango smoothie at Panera today. I tried adding coffee since some reports suggest that up to two cups of coffee a day help in lowering blood sugar but I just haven't been able to establish a coffee habit. I have an occasional unsweet tea either hot or iced. Never really cared much for juice, just a rare glass of fresh orange juice so that wasn't a problem. I've been trying all the packages of 'diet' beverage mixes you add to a bottle of water and found some of them do really good at satisfying my sweet tooth - especially the Crystal Light Sunrise Orange that tastes JUST like Tang! I am a water drinker so I'm pretty good here.

I decided to try NutriSystems and there were a few things that worked and that I liked but overall not enough to keep it after the free 14 day trial offer at what it costs. Mostly it was the convenience. I know what I need to do is sit down and plan out my meals, make it six meals a day, do prep on the weekend so I can grab and go. And that is the part that stresses me. And I am still stressing - do I count carbs or just go with the way the dietitian showed me to count things? Would a gluten free diet help me not only with diabetes but with the EE and my other health issues?

But really, the meal planning and grab and go part are the things I think will REALLY help me.

OH - I am going to a juicing class at the farmers market Sunday from this company that makes a limited selection of fresh juices that are pressed so they hold their nutrients a little longer than expeller juices. I am thinking about adding juicing to my diet for say one 'meal' a day and then a low carb protein drink for a second 'meal'. Has anyone done juicing? Thoughts?

MCM, I can totally relate! The amount of info is staggering, and all of the...

...choices require learning new things and acquiring new habits. It is daunting and I felt highly intimidated.

I did what I knew I could do. I exercised. I've done it off and on for most of my life, and I've always enjoyed being 'in shape'. The other side of that sword is that if I am not exercising, I don't tend to adjust my eating accordingly (dropping calories) and I get fat.

When I started a business that kept me at a desk in 1994, I spent the next few years pistol-whipping myself with food. I was overworked, stressed, and not exercising.

Next thing I knew I was 306 pounds and diagnosed as type II diabetic, hypertensive and hypothyroid. Doctors now see this combo on a regular basis in the USA. They have dubbed it "syndrome X".

I'd love to talk to you about it in detail, but this board isn't really the place. Send me an email to:


Just know that your body wants to heal. Finding what works for you is the task at hand, and I'm happy to share what is working for me.

Best to you,


Thanks again to everyone who responded. I am overwhelmed and thankful...

...for your kindness, prayers and encouragement.

What is coming is a process, and I'll take it day-by-day. I'm determined to see a med-free future.


Cheering you on! Your words were visual... I worked in Pharma for many

years. Interesting, as well as powerful the way you described them. Big cheers to you....!! ; )

We've changed a lot of our health outcomes to more positive...

by really paying attention to our foods. A couple of huge keys...processed and the "whole grain" myth. Unless you buy it as a whole grain and prepare it from that whole state, or you can visually discern it as a whole grain in the end product, it very well may be whole grain but so incredibly processed that the benefit we were looking for has been destroyed. Complex carbs aren't bad...the overly processed carbs are a big problem. I'm not so sure that GMO grains and beans aren't part of our problem as a nation, as well. But that's my soap box!
Good luck!! Cheering for you!
