MCM, I can totally relate! The amount of info is staggering, and all of the...
...choices require learning new things and acquiring new habits. It is daunting and I felt highly intimidated.
I did what I knew I could do. I exercised. I've done it off and on for most of my life, and I've always enjoyed being 'in shape'. The other side of that sword is that if I am not exercising, I don't tend to adjust my eating accordingly (dropping calories) and I get fat.
When I started a business that kept me at a desk in 1994, I spent the next few years pistol-whipping myself with food. I was overworked, stressed, and not exercising.
Next thing I knew I was 306 pounds and diagnosed as type II diabetic, hypertensive and hypothyroid. Doctors now see this combo on a regular basis in the USA. They have dubbed it "syndrome X".
I'd love to talk to you about it in detail, but this board isn't really the place. Send me an email to:
Just know that your body wants to heal. Finding what works for you is the task at hand, and I'm happy to share what is working for me.
Best to you,