Stupidest thing I ever saw. I was in Williams-Sonoma on the weekend and


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saw a bottle of "Simple Syrup". That's right, sugar and water. 10 oz. for $10. I guess this is for those people who buy pre-boiled eggs. Like boiling equal parts (cheap) sugar and (free) water together is soooo labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Runner-up was the "Ice Cream Starter": sugar, vanilla powder, and salt. You add it to your own cream. $12 for a can. If you have cream on hand, wouldn't you likely have sugar?

The mind boggles.

Shaun, the mind indeed boggles. I shake my head when I see prechopped onions and carrots. Pre-sliced

apples would be in the same category.

Now, I can see this in the Air Raid Shelter or canoeing & camping in the Minnesota Boundary Waters.

now, the best sense of the 'world'..I agree, but once some 20 yrs ago I had the .....

BEST ice cream you can imagine...another wee story.....
we (my husband and I)knew the then Guv'nor and his wife of an island off the coast of Africa ...mid Atlantic someplace....(however they had never met our daughters who are agewise a surprise to most as we have 2 and then a 13 year gap before the 3rd was born)and we as a family set off cruising on our yacht.

2 weeks later we made landfall on this island and were asked to lunch.
As it happened one of their sons arrived unexpectedly on the ship that plied the islands from England, this son being almost an adult.

Well, we all had a wonderful and indulgent lunch together, (served on the gold insignia plates they used for guests) our daughter of 18 hitting it off with their son of about the same age when it came time to have pudding.
As this was being served our hostess sheepishly said, "We could not work out your daughters ages but were sure they were about 6, 5 and 4 (only one was 4 Lol) so we thought ice cream would be a good bet for them.
And wow, was it delicious, so creamy and flavourful, vanilla, mint and strawberry....I had to asked for the recipe and even more sheepishly I was came out of a packet and made with tinned cream!!!!!!

So, I guess there is a time and a place for what you found in W-Sonoma ....on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic...they cant sell many of these products I am sure....

I was in Trader Joe's last week and noticed a bottle of something down on the very bottom shelf

I picked it up and read "Simple Syrup" on the label. I was shocked. My husband noticed the look on my face and asked me what it was. I explanined it to him and he said, "oh, that sounds good!

All those flavored syrups for coffee aren't much different - just have flavorings

how hard are they to make - NOT!

Or what about preboiled AND dyed Easter eggs? I mean isn't dying and decorating them the fun of the whole thing?

I'm guilty of buying mirapox pre-cut mix if I want lentils or dal immediately.

It's price is FAR cheaper than the countless "full stalks minus 2 stems" of rotten celery, the rotting "2 pound bag of organic carrots minus 2 carrots" and the soggy "other half of the pepper since I'm not crazy about pepper" pepper.

I buy the pre-cut container, use it up that day and eat all the prepared stuff.

Trader Joes sells the simple syrup cheaper smileys/smile.gif Uh, not that I would buy it, of course!!!!! ahem...

...ok I'll suck it up and admit I just bought some last week

I was in TJ's and saw it. So got a bottle for the bar. Right now I've been working super long hours (can you say midnight+?) so it's a timesaver for me. Plus now I have a labeled bottle of it for the bar -- I can make and refill as needed. It certainly wasn't $10 though.

Now I wouldn't do the pre-chopped stuff etc because I don't want to give up flavor. That being said...I just realized I'm a big fat liar because I do use the chopped garlic in a jar. Ok, I'm just going to go sit in the corner now.

I see people buying packets of prechopped things, sad looking tired bits of whatever, until I really

hurt my wrist from the 'puter and couldn't use a knife with my right hand. I started using my left hand and almost chopped off something vital, so I too sheepishly bought prechopped stuff, and felt like I needed a shower... So now I practice with my left hand to keep it in the game. But the peeled chopped butternut squash sure are a timesaver! But it is all so much more money, sheesh!

I will never give up my chocolate pudding mix through -

Okay, I don't understand Uncrustables (frozen PBJ sandwiches)!

I swear, my mother was waaay ahead of her time. In the 70's, she used to make pbj sandwiches with the entire loaf of bread, and freeze them individually. Took her about 15 minutes.

(But she made us eat the crust. How mean was that?)

Now modern mothers can spend $10 to save 15 minutes. Guess their time is more valuable.

Or is it because they don't have a recipe for pbj's?

