Red currants, hot dogs and coffee >>>
Me and my sister used to pick red currants for dessert in late summer. After dinner we ate them in bowls with lots of vanilla sauce. It was yummy!
Also going fishing or canoing with my dad, eating hot dogs that were BBQ'ed on open fire. The hot dog was usually black as charcoal on the outside but it still tasted delicious.
My parents were great berry pickers so every fall we picked a ton of strawberries, wild blueberries, black currants, cloudberries and raspberries. My dad was very much into healthy eating and he made smoothies from juice and frozen berries back in the 70-ies and we loved it. Usually I and dad were the early risers so when the rest of the family got up, we had already had a breakfast of smoothies and a sandwich. It was great!
When my grandmother visited she was always up early and made coffee. My parents were tea drinkers so I loved it when my granny was at our home because I loved the smell of coffee in the house when I got up in the morning. I still do. The difference now is that I also drink it smileys/smile.gif