Sunday Six

weekend 6

made a lovely turkey rice soup with the leftover wings/legs of the fried turkey and leftover spanish rice and veggies. enough to feed an army, so it's in the freezer in 2 containers.

enjoyed watching the neighbor's 3 year old with my train set. it was worth taking it to the cabin and setting it all up.

stocked up on protein drinks for this week. I can do it. yes I can.

"undressed" the treadmill, and yes, it does actually still work. will try to teach the dog to walk with me---she needs it too.

went to the doggie park for a nice walk around the lake and tried out my new clip on flashlight. great invention.

birthday dinner with good friends after the doggie walk. This will be a better year. I can just feel it.

Ang, I think 2010 will be a great year for you...What is a clip on flashlight?

We go to the beach/shore during the summer...wondering if it is something I should add to our packing list.

Big hugs!


I found it at a local sporting goods store. it clips to a hat brim(or coat collar or dog collar etc)

It was about 10 dollars and I now keep one in each car, clipped to the sun visor for easy access. I got some for gifts for male friends. very handy and hands free.

Larry uses one of those when he's watching TV in the back bedroom and needs to check

the recorder. I have TV, VCR, DVD, everything tucked in an old antique wardrobe and it'd kindof dark in there. He loves his little headlight.

I cooked the turkey but it was rubbery! Why does this happen?

I think it's because it was injected with "flavorings"? So my mojo is still impacted LOL. I was calling it a rubber turkey dinner!

Found a great way to reheat turkey though. I had the back piece, cut that up into small chunks and put it in a wide skillet. I added a shallot, bay leaf, a sage leaf and a few peppercorns and several cups of water and simmered that for 15 min or so, strained it off (kept the carcass chunks for my friends doggies - to be picked free of bones first). I sliced the turkey thinly and put them in the broth and covered the skillet until they were just warmed through and arranged prettily on a platter. Then I reduced the broth, added a shot of vermouth and tarragon and a little cornstarch slurry. Day 2 Rubber Turkey was really good and not so rubbery!!!

Thanks, I thought WHILE I WAS EATING MY FIRST BOWLFUL and there was still one gallon left>>

"When can I make this again?" !

I have one on a headbnd that I always put in my luggage. Never know when you need it !

some places don't have good reading lamps and the LCD lets batteries last Forever!

Here's the original turkey jerky (only difference is salt/water vs soy sauce/worchestershire)

Turkey Jerky
Sunset Magazine, March 1988

1 lb. boned, skinned turkey breast
1 tbl. salt
1/2 cup water
2 tbl. firmly packed brown sugar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 small onion, minced (1/4 cup)
1 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. liquid smoke

Freeze turkey breast until firm, but not hard - this makes it easier to slice. Slice into 1/8” thick slices. In bowl, stir together the rest of the ingredients. Add turkey strips and mix well until all surfaces are thoroughly coated. Cover and refrigerate up to 24 hours; meat will absorb most of the liquid.

Depending on your drying method, evenly coat dehydrator racks with nonstick spray; you will need three 10x13” dehydrator racks OR metal racks to cover a 10x15” baking pan if doing in the oven.

Lift turkey strips from liquid, shaking off excess, and lay strips close together but NOT overlapping, on racks.

In dehydrator: arrange filled racks as manufacturer directs and dry at 140 deg. for about 4-1/2 to 5 hours, or until a cooled piece of jerky cracks and breaks when bent.
or ----
In oven: Heat at 150-200 deg. Place pan with rack of meat in center of oven; prop door open about 2”. Dry until cooled piece cracks when bent - about 3-5 hours.

Let jerky cool on cooking racks, then remove and store in airtight containers for up to 3 weeks, or in the refrigerator up to 4 months.

Makes about 7 oz. jerky
