I don't have the option of relocating. These people have been
wonderful to me. They also have a marketing business and are advertising me and marketing me.
I do think the stairs are a problem, but there is a service elevator available. There aren't really any good bakeries around at all, so this could be a very good niche for me. I like to bake, and it is a lot easier since things can be made ahead and even frozen.
I am going to make Cabernet Cranberry Sauce in the kitchen today, and I will be interested in seeing how it attracts people upstairs. There are also booths upstairs now too.
I went through a meltdown last weekend; working 6 days a week, recovering from being sick, doing a festival, losing money and coming home to a house that needed a deep deep cleaning.
I cried on and off for 24 hours. I can finally take the sunglasses off today. smileys/smile.gif Washing the dishes sobbing, was when I realized that people are not going to think of a cafe inside an antique mall, but baked goods might work. I know the clientele better now. I baked 4 large loaves of orange-zuke bread and 4 of pumpkin bread and they all sold within 2 hours, just sitting in a basket in my downstairs booth.
I like the two that Meryl and Ang posted up above.
I am starting to make a list of items to sell.
So far I have this list:. Obviously, I will have to work up this quantity, but I will start with the quick breads.
Quick Breads:
Orange-Zuke Bread
Pumpkin Bread
Cranberry Nut Bread
Chocolate Zuke Bread
Chocolate Chip
Oatmeal Cranberry-Raisin
Peanut Butter w/ Hershey's Kiss
Chocolate Mint (the ones with the Ande's mint)
Chocolate-Dipped Macaroons
Cinnamon Chip
Ginger dipped in White Chocolate
Cheddar-Scallion Scones
Rustic Pizzas (may be too close to the foccacia)
Any pros or cons to the above list? Thank you all so very much!!!