The cafe is not doing well, so I am changing it up. Coffee and baked goods.

Since you're in an antique mall, I'd promote the...old time "Desserts just like Grandma Made" angle

My grandma made a fabulous chewy molasses cookie. Might be fun to add to your line up.

And instead of the pizza (as you say, depending on what you put on the foccacia, very close). What about pasties? Easy to freeze/bake and hearty.

I saw a friend of mine who opened a food truck. His business has become VERY successful (3rd year of operation, $3 Million in revenue.) His take away: "I didn't charge enough in the beginning. I didn't think the public would pay for a $14 burger out of a truck so when we started, we had the same burger for $7 and lost money." In the end, he brought on a business partner who helped realign his prices and the operation. "It would have been so much better if we had started out charging the right prices."
