The dangers of living alone... Almost choked on a sandwich


Well-known member
somehow I inhaled a large chunk and yegads. For a moment I couldn't breathe and after a second it moved and I managed to start coughing. I'm still coughing and it's been 30 minutes. Crikey.

I'm beginning to think every person who lives alone should have one of those "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up" panic buttons...

grateful to be here and to be able to whine about it with you a little!

Yeah, I was eyeing my dining room chair AFTER but the truth of it is that my mind went blank

when I couldn't breathe, all I could think of was OH SH**

Then thoughts of no one coming to find me for days and days....

H, you need to listen to "Monster Mash" from David Sedaris' book

"When You are Engulfed in Flames".

After spending a Halloween weekend gathering data for a NPR article at a medical examiner's office in the midwest, David lists everything he needs to avoid in order not to die alone.

I listened to his audio version. Squash blossom necklace...ha!

PS: I am so glad you are okay now.

PPS: An excerpt from the book is at the image link. If you don't like that, you probably won't like the book.

that had to be one really, really scary moment :-0 when you live alone

there are things you thought you would have to think about but do.

since Joe and I "talk" daily, he is my morning check in. he has 3 numbers to call if he doesn't hear from me by 9 - 10 am

I think it's a good idea to have a check and balance system.

glad you got through such a scary thing! big HUGS

Thanks for that Mar...I just love his writing.

He always makes me laugh out loud. I haven't read that one yet, so now I have something to look forward to reading.

And you don't have to live alone, just be alone. I had a habit of swallowing a whole handful of

supplements and vitamins at one time. That changed after I almost choked to death on them. I was alone at the time and it's really scary. So glad you're all right.

So glad you are okay, Heather. I had a close call today too...

was climbing over rocks to get to my neighbors gigantic bleeding hearts plants to clip some (yes - with their permission:) at the side of our homes and I slipped a fell backwards. Thanks goodness only my knees/legs hit the rocks - my head body fell on the plants. I remember laying there dazed a second after it happened thinking will anybody ever find me?

I'm fine - just a bruised up knee. A couple of the plants didn't fare so well....


Heather, you may want to see a doc to make sure your airway is completely clear. There may... food in your brochial passages, or in your lungs. That can lead to infection.

I'd get an appointment and maybe an x-ray to be safe. You may have aspirated something.


Gosh, glad you are A-OK!!!

That's what happened to "Mama" Cass Elliott of the Mama's and Papa's group back in like 1969...NOT THAT I'm OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBMER, mind you! smileys/smile.gif

It's a very real danger for us all.

SO glad you are ok!

Hey thanks everyone, somehow I feel less alone here! I am no longer coughing and made it out to

dinner with a friend, and fortunately didn't cough then but I'm tired today.

I'm going for a long lung heaving walk today. Actually there's a new ice cream shop opening on Fillmore at Haight, Three Twins and they're giving away something - hopefully ice cream! It this doesn't cure all ills I don't know what will...

((hugs)) and thanks for listening to my whine...
Deb, I'm so glad you are okay. sheesh, it's a scary world out there sometimes.
