The Gourmet Cookbook

So true that many of the recipes are online, which is why my copy is in the "to be sold" box. But

now I pulled it out to hold onto in case we go forward with a group project ..... which I would be up for.

One that immediately comes to mind is the Island Pork Tenderloin Salad which I've made several times

and liked very much. For me, it's a 4 star recipe, which is also reflected in the online Epi reviews (at the link).

{edited to add a few others I've made from the book}:
Inside-Out German Chocolate Cake (loved it!)

Red Chile Sauce, Chile Colorado (have made this a number of times and like it alot.)

Brown Sugar Ginger Crisps (delicious)

I have the version which was revised with orange print -- much easier to read than the

original yellow print version. As to buying it, I'd actually recommend checking it out of the library first to see if it's something you think you'd really cook from (or peruse at a bookstore). And honestly, for me, enough of the recipes are available online that I still may pass the book along (my sister expressed an interest in it), especially since I had already filled the thick slot it was taking up on my bookshelf with 2 other cookbooks of greater interest. smileys/wink.gif

Mine is the same Gourmet that Richard linked to in his initial post (not Gourmet Today).

Copyright date is 2004. It was originally published with very light yellow recipe titles that were quite difficult to read, then later with a much more readable orange print. The two versions have identical covers and both are still offered for sale, so I understand the more desirable/legible version may be ISBN 061880692X (but don't quote me on that exact ISBN number....I'd verify with the source first to make sure you're not getting the yellow version).

Okay, we need to pick between the two books: Gourmet or Gourmet Today. Either is fine w/ me.

A good example might be the Cookbook of the Month on Chowhound. There people

chime in with the recipe they tried and the results, and any commentary on the recipe itself. I like that idea and think that would work well for us.

I was thinking, maybe we could have new section for this over in the General Forums tab. Cookbooks. Then each cookbook we tackle can get it's own subheading (similar to what's currently there for Appetizers, Beef, Beverages, etc.) Not sure if that's technically possible but I like the Chowhound link here where you can click on the full thread of books, then dive into the details.


Sounds good to me. What do others think? Do we have enough interest here to go

forward? Or any other thoughts/ideas?

My library has it so I would be game. I've never done a group

project so I'd like to experience it.
