The Grand Canyon trip was a wonderful success...

Erin, teachers tell me each class has it's own group personality. Each class can be...

...characterized by how they behave and interract overall.

I've known many of these kids since pre-k, and they've always been a sweet class. Really nice kids who are considerate, polite and get along really well. It's kinda scary sometimes....


It was an amazing adventure on a lot of levels. Parents coming together...

...and working hard to accomplish something out of their ordinary realm of expertise -definitely makes for some 'foxhole bonding'.

Most of our kids have never tent-camped before, and then throw in the grandeur of the Grand Canyon. It's quite a week.


The kids have been studying minerals and geology since August, and their teacher... a geologist by training. They have one of the best geology labs in the entire world in the Grand Canyon, so it's a natural choice for a trip.

Beats the field trip to the dairy I took in 7th grade! (Even though I WAS chosen to milk the cow.)


Good for you! It will be a lifelong memory for the kids. 'Hope your own

family is doing better now too.

Gee, 4 kids out of 67 got the flu during the 3 days you were camping?! Probably a small number to you, but sounds a lot to me. It's not nearly that rampant here, and I hope it stays that way. 'Got the seasonal/regular flu shot last week, not sure if I'm getting the H1N1 yet though.

oops, I just re-read this, and I thought you said you had 30 kids out to your house and you

considered cancelling because of misbehavin'. No LOL matter if 30 were actually "out" sick. sorry.

Yeah, out sick would be right. I wanted to go back and edit, but I can't edit the subject line, as know.

I re-read what I wrote, and it could easily be interpreted the way you interpreted it. Sorry!


Isn't it funny how we sometimes read something and get our brains

wrapped around a thought? I've been there, done that! LOL
