The holiday parties have begun at my house- Mexican buffet for 30

I should clarify...Morning Chuckle was re: Joe's comment...(Not your party Cathy!! I am sure a

great time was had by all!!)

Thanks for sharing the menu and pictures!


Cheezz, I have done this for years- people appreciate it. I also run out full menus on my printer

and put them in two or three places around the party room- the anticipation of the food takes over the cocktail hour conversation. Try it sometime- people like knowing what they are eating, seem to enjoy it even more when it has a "name."

It doesn't get more disco than that! Such a great party idea....

Funny, I hated most disco music in the disco era,(now it's grown on me), but I loved Donna Summer.

oh my gosh, what an incredible spread you put out! it amazes me that one person can do all

that and look great at the end of it. I loved the barefeet smileys/smile.gif

maybe you should open a dance club and clean-up!
