The Ying and Yang on genetically modified "Golden Rice." I watched

One of my biggest disappointments of the past election was the defeat of this.

A few moths before the election poll results on the news put 94% of Californians in favor of prop 37. Then a big push went out telling folks - this is going to raise the prices of your food and put farmers out of business, and it swayed the vote.


(...said the girl looking through her no GMO seed catalogs)

Yes, food price fear mongering. Seriously didn't think folks would be fooled - wrong.

Push hard to get folks informed! I thought this would've been a no brainer to get passed.

We've also had the no plastic bag law for some time, but I'm right on the edge of 2 towns and many go there to shop. I actually go there to shop at WF so I can get paper bags, I use those for trash/recycle instead of plastic. Groceries are easy to bring your bag, but department stores, not so much. I've wondered if it will be the nail in the coffin of some brick/mortar places.

(We have a mall here that sits on top of the town lines, so for example in Macy's in one dept you can get bags, but the other you can't.)

Interesting--I guess none of them can afford new packaging. I see I was wrong--the ratio was 5 to 1.

Our ban only applies to grocery stores. And there is a 10-cent charge for the paper bags.

Non-food stores can still give bags. At first there was a big to-do over it but people got used to it. Some of the larger chains gave out complimentary totes for a while with their logo. We're getting used to keeping bags in the car.

It didn't change the world dramatically but now people think twice about the bags they are using and the trash it generates. We're always asked "Do you want a bag" and if I'm only buying a couple things, I say no and carry them to the car. Before the 10-cent charge I never would have thought twice. I see other people load their groceries back into their cart bagless to take to the car.

You see I've mentioned "car" three times now which means fossil fuel, but that's a whole other subject!

This was an abject lesson that campaign ads LIE. I hope next time it will pass.

Farmers and food manufacturers have to relabel their foods all of the time, they just don't want to tell us about GMOs because of the well-deserved backlash. But we deserve to know what we are consuming and opt out of the great human genetic experiment if we so choose.... (end rant)

We have the charge for a bag, but the cost goes up every year...

until I think it caps at 25 cents. Many grocers gave out free reusable bags at the start too - plastic ones. I don't have a problem bringing bags at the store, but I wish you could opt for paper for free. Our stores have to charge you, it's mandatory, but they keep the money.

It was all no big deal till I went to Target one day. One my side of the town line. I wanted to shop the mall and picked up a few things at T first. Well, they didn't have bags. They had a few tiny paper lunch size ones I could pay for, but that wouldn't work - and how was I suppose to carry all this through the mall and still shop the other stores? I gave it all back right at the check stand and walked out. I haven't been back, it's easier for me to order online and get free shipping. Dept stores use to use paper bags in the olden days, I have no problem doing that again and don't see why they don't - except by law they have to charge you. So one must carry piles of empty grocery bags to wander the mall? Sounds like FAIL to me.
