This is a beautifully photographed GF pastry book: Cannelle et Vanille BAKES SIMPLE


Here is the blog that the baker/photographer created in 2008.

and here is her book, pastries--all Gluten Free and adaptable for casein allergies.

Aran Goyoaga uses a blend of GF products to replace wheat flour, but says you can either use newer GF flours or regular flour if GF isn't your thing.

The photography is beautiful...I'm just a tad worried that the perfection of these GF baked good images are due to her skill in photography.
Let's just say NONE of my GF pastry attempts ever came close to this. However, if I were to try any of the pastries, I would just use GF flour as I went the whole "white rice/brown rice/tapioca/corn/potato/buckwheat/sorgum/millet/etc" flour route years ago. It was...not good.

She is a talent.