To All . . . and I DON'T mean to be controversial . . .


Well-known member
Or devisive . . .

I have spent many weeks thinking about this; and as many of us have admitted, we're still having a hard time "weaning" ourselves away from our Gail's. Yes, I admit that I still "snoop" on Gail's each day to see if things have changed. Each day I find fewer and fewer things to follow up on.

So tonight, I decided to send EPI an email telling them why I no longer visit their site . . . either by reading daily, or contributing. Letting them know that I am no longer a "member" , I think, is important, for those of us who have "moved on" to Mimi's. Our NEW DIVA who's done the most EXTRAORDINARY MIRACLE!!!

I trust that each of you will follow your own conscience to decide if this is right for you. So many of us have migrated here, naturally, and have embraced the new forum, I think we need to let Gail's know WHY.

I don't want Gail's to fail . . . HONESTLY . . . I wished them well. But Gail's is not a site for me these days, and THIS IS. I'm so happy to be here!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU MIMI!!

I've done so weeks ago, via an e-mail to "epicuriouseditor"....

I'd be reluctant to mention specifically where I've moved on to, though.

(I did get a response from them, although it was several weeks in between, and it really wasn't fruitful.)

I did the same thing. Let's see if they reply. >>>>

I know that there are some people over there who are happy to have us gone, even going so far as to tell us to leave there and come here when we dare to question the bad changes, or a recipe. I love this site and it's so fine to have the Swap Family back again and being able to use our old "Gail's" names!
Thank you Mimi!

I'm glad so many people are happy here! I don't think Gail's will fail though...

You're welcome, it's been really fun for me to do this. My client is pleased with it as well. If I don't respond each and every time someone thanks me it's because I'm embarrassed about posting so many "you're welcomes!" :eek:)

As for Gail's...Epi has too big a name and new people are always showing up. My personal opinion is that a new crowd of regulars will eventually crop up; people who like the new format. When that happens, it will probably be much more interesting place to visit than it is now. I think Epi is counting on that too and that's why they haven't invested more money into making more changes.

That's exactly why most people left, I think....

Because of the lack of concern or caring even enough about the 'family' there to respond with answers. It was "Here it is, like it or leave it"

It wasn't easy but we found such a warm loving home here! (TY again: *blush*)

Speaking of that, recently I posted a suggestion to change...

the "favorite recipes" forum (where we post our favorite, time-honored, tried-and-true recipes from Gail's) to something that might not confuse some newbies, but I think it got lost in the shuffle.

How about calling the link "GRS recipes" or something as to not confuse people who don't know the history of how this board started. I think I would post everything inside of the "favorite recipes" link if I didn't know how the board came about.

Something that refers to recipes that are already posted, Gail's archived stuff, recipes that were already posted elsewhere, that sort of thing.

Just a thought.

What do you think, Mimi?

Maybe? Maybe not?

I was thinking the same exact thing. I used "Favorite Recipes" because others suggested it.

If the group at large comes up with something better I have no problem changing it.

Are you saying you think we should change the description maybe?

Even though the Gail's name seems have been tossed out by Epi I agree maybe we shouldn't use that name. But since there is a description on the favorites board are you suggesting maybe we should add some additional information to the description?

It's fine by me either way -- just FYI I've been trying to post only recipes that I knew were talked about/reviewed by a few of the old GS folks - not ones that maybe were only MY favorites. Are you concerned that newbies might start posting their personal favorites over there?

Just wasn't sure so am asking is all.


I've always expected that this group would discover new favorite recipes and post them there.

I guess the criteria would be that more than one or two people tried it and liked it and posted about it. I'm not policing this though.

Yes, that was my concern... someone not knowing that the...

"favorites" category was one for tried and true ones we got at GRS, if that's what Mimi wanted and preferred.

On the other hand, I don't think we should avoid referencing Gail's, especially since Epi has apparently killed her ;o)

I missed the description at that forum, though, and maybe that explains it well. Didn't see it, but sometimes I can't see something right under my nose!

If it were me, knowing what the subforums were meant for, I'd probably call it "Tried and True from GRS" - no one but refugees from Gail's would recognize that anyway... and if that's what Mimi was trying to accomplish, that might serve to limit the postings there to be actual favorites from Gail's.

If that's what the collection is intended for, I mean. It definately doesn't matter to me, just trying to help Mimi. I'm rambling. I'll shut up now ;o)

Dawn LOL if you're rambling then how come I know what you're saying...

With our dear departed Gail sounds like maybe the happy medium would be not to avoid speaking of her per se but just not use it as a static part of the forum -- like a header. For copyright reasons as well as confusion for newbies.

Glad we'll use it as an ongoing "best of the swap" or "swap hall of fame" recipes. (Hey, maybe we should have a section just for best of Marilyn in FL posts, lol!)

One problem is "Favorite Recipes" is already too long for the menu up there.

I'm really stumped as to what to do. I see someone posted an ISO in one of the Fave forums today; I "hid" it so now they are skipping a number. I don't think we'll ever get it perfect.

You mean for up across the top of the page?

Then instead of

Favorite Recipes maybe..

Swap Favs
Hall of Fame
Best Of (this is shortest and reads well next to FK Recipe Swap to make sense)
