OMG, my dentist, or rather his periodontally-oriented dental assistant, is way beyond toothbrushes,
wet or dry.
They sold me a device called "Roto-dent." with extra-fine bristles that get way under the gums. Every evening (well almost) I scrub with micro-filaments for a full 10 minutes. It's actually a wonderful machine and thanks heavens I barter with the dentist!
I only started taking flossing seriously in my late thirties and I'm paying a price now, but this is really helping.
As for brushing, Toni my tooth naz- er um -fairy, says the most important thing is to brush up and down, in a small tight motion, rather than from side to side. The gum line is what you're aiming at. And FLOSS or you'll end up like me, cooking your dentist's Christmas parties and company picnics to chip away at your debt.