Totally NFR and if you think I should, I'll ask Mimi to delete this post.

I tried pasting his picture here but wasn't able to...

We were looking to replace our orange cat that had died. A friend who works for a humane society suggested I check out their online pictures. Around Christmas I saw the orange kitten and we decided he's the one we wanted to see.

By this time I found out on my own, and from others' stories that orange cats are special; and they have a chromosome that no other cats have.

When this orange kitten touched my husband's nose we knew he was the one. The humane society director began to tell how how special this kitten really was.

Someone dropped him off in a basket at a euthanasia place. One of the workers there called the humane society and told them they had to come get this really special cat. The HS director made some snide remark that all cats are special...and they had too many to adopt out already.

The worker calling insisted this cat was really a special one.

He has turned into a most beautiful orange main coon cat. He uses nearly all his 100+ vocal sounds.

Everyone who sees him falls in love with him.

I know he's a gift from God, I have no doubt about it. He is the best cat I've ever had. Sometimes he really seems more like a small child than a cat.

I'm currently trying to find out how to get the story of the outcome of this special cat's adoption story back to the eutanasia worker, to let her know she was his angel, for sure!
